Our Funders and Partners
It is thanks to the generous support of our funders and partners that our teams are able to deliver our range of support services.

A Big Thank You
On behalf of our beneficiaries, we would like to thank our funders and partners for their continued support. Without this support, we would not be able to provide many of the services that are so vital to disabled and Deaf people.

Devon County Council are a Local Authority in the South West of England. They manage and distribute grants and contracts.
For many years Living Options Devon have worked closely with Devon County Council. Living Options Devon is commissioned to deliver the Devon Advocacy Consortium and engagement services. Devon County Council have also provided funding for Living Options Devon.

The National Lottery Community Fund distributes over £600m a year to communities across the UK, raised by players of The National Lottery.
The National Lottery Community fund have provided funding to Living Options Devon through the Covid-19 pandemic which has enabled us to continue supporting disabled and Deaf people. Living Options Devon have also received funding from the National Lottery Community Fund for our Time to Talk service and towards our accessible counselling service.
In 2022 funding was received to run the Devon Wellbeing Together. The project will be working to improve the accessibility and inclusivity of wellbeing services for disabled and Deaf people whilst also providing additional volunteering opportunities across Devon.

The Clare Milne Trust are a grant making charity that support people living with disabilities in Devon and Cornwall.
Living Options Devon have received funding from the Clare Milne Trust towards our accessible Counselling service for disabled people.

The Devon Community Foundation use their knowledge of local needs to raise and distribute funds to local projects across Devon.
Living Options Devon has received funding from the Devon Community Foundation to support the See Hear Centre and Time to Talk during the covid-19 pandemic.

The Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Trust is a charity that raises awareness of Cornwall’s protected landscape and supports projects that conserve and enhance the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Our charity initiative Countryside Mobility has received funding from the Cornwall AONB Trust towards the refurbishment of one of their all-terrain mobility scooters.

The Grace Trust, a Plymouth based Trust, was formed in 1968 and still runs today by its original Christian ethos.
The See Hear Centre in Northern Devon have received from funding from the Grace Trust so that we can continue supporting people with sensory impairment.

The South West Water Neighbourhood Fund is available for neighbourhood community groups which inspire physical activities, education, health and wellbeing and deliver positive environmental outcomes.
- Funding from South West Water Neighbourhood Fund has enabled us to provide a Deaf hub offering bespoke social opportunities.

The David Gibbons Foundation makes grants to people living in Devon. This Trust helps those who are;
- Living in financial hardship
- Elderly
- Physically or mentally unwell, disabled or affected by learning disabilities.
Our funding will allow us to continue to provide accessible Counselling to people with disabilities and Deaf BSL users.
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Feel Inspired to fundraise for us? Want to learn more about how to leave a gift in your will or interested in corporate sponsorship?
Please contact us today for more information and a free fundraising pack.
You can make one off donations or set up regular giving using your debit or credit card or via Paypal.
Thank you for your support.
Donate to Living Options DevonWhere your money goes
A return to the woods for forestry worker Peter
“Being outdoors was my Dad’s passion. The woods were his spiritual home… Thanks to this amazing service, my Dad and I were able to return to the woods…”
Liz’s Countryside Mobility Story
With help from a Countryside Mobility membership, Liz is now able to enjoy country walks alongside her husband William.
In-memory tribute to Countryside Mobility member
Heartfelt thanks to the family and friends of Countryside Mobility Member Denise Guest, who set up an in-memory tribute fund, raising money for Countryside Mobility